Hello! I'm so glad you found your way to my author website. As you've gathered from it being plastered everywhere, my name is Tia. I'm a millennial writer from Wisconsin, and I'm here to share a little bit of my writing journey with you!
It all started when I was a kid. My mother loved reading and books, and I soaked that love in through her. My obsession with fantasy began with the Tamora Pierce books about female knights and mages, of love and country. I'd tell anyone who listened that I wanted to write books just like that.
My first attempt at writing was an absolutely awful attempt at my own chosen one story, about a girl named Maddie who gets chosen to attend a secret and mysterious monk academy. Suffice it to say while the pitch sounds interesting, the execution was terrible. Maybe I'll revisit that someday.
I wrote short stories after that mostly, dabbling in all different kinds of fantasy and magical realism. Although I was never able to complete a full-length manuscript, I have dozens of started stories that never saw the light of day.
In college, I majored in English with an emphasis in Professional Writing and Publishing. The cool thing about this major is that it was one of the only programs like this in the entire country, so I was really lucky to be able to slap that on my very expensive piece of paper from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Janine Tobeck really knocked it out of the park with that major, and I'm really grateful I was able to learn all I did during those four years.
Now, nearly 7 years after graduating college, I've finally finished my first, full-length novel! Of Blood, Bones, and Truth is a really special story. I began writing it during the first months of the pandemic, when most of my extracurriculars were cancelled and I had nothing better to do.
This story has been under my skin for more than a year now, whispering in my ear to keep going, to finish our story. My characters are alive in my head and heart, and the fact I'm able to tell their story again and again is an honor. Kellan is an extension of me, although I didn't realize it at first. This story has helped me recognize myself, my sexuality, my identity, and work through who I am as a person and author.
All I can hope is that others will connect with this story like I have, and that when they read Kellan, Cassian, Selwyn, Pontius, and Mina's story, they'll see into my heart just a little bit.
Anyway, thank you for sticking around and getting to know me!
See you next time,